Non-reacting Stefan tube: species mole fractions#

In this tutorial, we demonstrate how multipy functionalities can be used to compute species mole fractions numerically and analytically in a one-dimensional, non-reacting Stefan tube.


This tutorial has been computed using a Jupyter notebook that can be accessed here.

We start by importing the necessary modules:

import multipy
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import expm
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.optimize import fmin
from plotly import graph_objects as go

%run -i
%matplotlib inline

We instantiate objects of the Composition class (that will be necessary for computing composition-related quantities), of the Templates class (that contains useful building blocks that we will use here) and of the Check class (that will be useful for performing some basic checks on the computed quantities):

composition = multipy.Composition()
templates = multipy.Templates()
check = multipy.Check()
filename_prefix = 'non-reacting-stefan-tube'

Problem set-up#

In this tutorial, we will consider the Stefan tube problem - a one-dimensional flow of species inside a long tube. At the bottom of the tube there is a liquid mixture of acetone and methanol, which both evaporate and move upwards the tube. The tube is open to the atmosphere at the top. Air can enter the tube and is thus the third component of the mixture, moving downwards the tube. We will consider a pseudo steady-state condition in which the liquid is fully saturated with air. We also assume that no chemical reactions take place.

The Stefan tube problem is schematically presented below:


We assume the following species ordering:

  1. Acetone

  1. Methanol

  1. Air

We thus have three species:

n_species = 3

We can create a list of species names:

species_names = ['Acetone', 'Methanol', 'Air']

We set the temperature \(T\) in \([K]\):

T = 328.5

Pressure \(p\) in \([Pa]\):

p = 101325

Mixture molar density \(c\) in \([mole/m^3]\):

mixture_molar_density = composition.mixture_molar_density(T, p)

Species molar masses \(M_i\) in \([kg/mole]\):

species_molar_masses = np.array([[58.08/1000], [32.04/1000], [28.9628/1000]])

Binary diffusivities \(\mathcal{D}\) in \([m^2/s]\):

D12 = 8.48 / 1000**2
D21 = D12
D13 = 13.72 / 1000**2
D31 = D13
D23 = 19.91 / 1000**2
D32 = D23

We can now create a symmetric matrix of size (3, 3) that contains the binary diffusivities:

D_binary = np.array([[0, D12, D13],
                     [D21, 0, D23],
                     [D31, D32, 0]])

If we print the D_binary matrix we should see:


Next, we are going to discretize the spatial domain in the \(z\) direction. The length of the domain \(l\) in \([m]\) is:

length = 0.238

We are going to non-dimensionalize the domain and instead of representing it in the \(z\) coordinates, we will represent it in the normalized \(\eta\) coordinates which change from 0 to 1. We are free to select the number of points in the spatial domain (observations) that will be generated.

Discretization of the domain in the \(\eta\) \([-]\) space:

n_points = 1000
eta_coordinates = np.linspace(0,1,n_points)
delta_eta = eta_coordinates[1] - eta_coordinates[0]

We also define the initial condition, \(\mathbf{X}_i(\eta=0)\), which are the known mole fractions of acetone and methanol at the liquid surface, \(\eta=0\):

initial_condition = np.array([0.319, 0.528])

and define the boundary condition, \(\mathbf{X}_i(\eta=1)\), which are the known mole fractions at the tube outlet, \(\eta=1\):

boundary_condition = np.array([0,0,1])

Pause and ponder#

Before we dive into solving the Stefan tube problem, let’s pause for a while and think a little more about what is happening inside the tube. At different positions \(z\), we have different proportions of air to acetone and methanol. This means that the mass density of the mixture, \(\rho\), does not have to be constant throughout the tube. In fact, we know it’s not. Since air has much lower mass density than acetone and methanol, close to the tube outlet the mixture density will be lower than closer to the liquid surface. The mixture density is thus a function of position in the tube: \(\rho = \rho(z)\). This can also be shown by looking at the ideal gas law:

\[\rho(z) = \frac{p M(z)}{R T}\]

since for different compositions at different positions in the tube we will have different values for the molar mass of the mixture, \(M = M(z)\).

The same is not true about the molar density of the mixture, \(c\). Since the mixture is an ideal gas at standard temperature and pressure, we can show that \(c\) is constant:

\[c = \frac{n}{V} = \frac{p}{RT}\]

as long as the temperature and pressure are constant. This might seem weird at first, but yet another way to think about this is that there is the same amount of stuff (moles) throughout the tube, it’s just different stuff at different positions. This is conceptually presented in the figure below:


Finally, let’s take a closer look at the governing equations that can help us solve the Stefan tube problem.

We can use the species moles conservation equation:

\[\frac{d (c \mathbf{X}_i)}{dt} = - \nabla \cdot \mathbf{N}_i + s_i\]

where \(\mathbf{N}_i\) is the total molar flux of species \(i\) and \(s_i\) is the net molar production rate of species \(i\).

Since we’ve assumed a (pseudo) steady-state, the time derivative seen on the left hand side evaluates to 0. We also assume no reactions, so \(s_i = 0\). The species mole conservation equation thus simplifies to:

\[- \nabla \cdot \mathbf{N}_i = 0\]

We consider only one spatial direction, so the divergence operator can be written for the three species as:

\[\begin{split}\begin{equation} \begin{cases} - \frac{d N_1}{dz} = 0 \\ - \frac{d N_2}{dz} = 0 \\ - \frac{d N_3}{dz} = 0 \end{cases} \end{equation}\end{split}\]

which must mean that all three total molar fluxes are constants: \(N_1 = C_1\), \(N_1 = C_2\), \(N_1 = C_3\), where in general all constants \(C_1\), \(C_2\) and \(C_3\) can be different.

Compute species mole fractions, \(\mathbf{X}_i\)#

We start with computing the mole fraction profiles of all three species inside the Stefan tube.

The system of linear ODEs that we need to solve is:

\[\frac{d \mathbf{X}_i}{d \eta} = \mathbf{\Phi} \mathbf{X}_i + \pmb{\phi}\]


\[\Phi_{ii} = \frac{\mathbf{N}_i}{c_t \mathcal{D}_{i,n}/l} + \sum_{k \neq i}^{n} \frac{\mathbf{N}_k}{c_t \mathcal{D}_{i,k}/l}\]
\[\Phi_{ij} = \mathbf{N}_i \Big( \frac{1}{c_t \mathcal{D}_{i,n}/l} - \frac{1}{c_t \mathcal{D}_{i,j}/l} \Big)\]
\[\phi_i = - \frac{\mathbf{N}_i}{c_t \mathcal{D}_{i,n}/l}\]

We will use the available function Templates.stefan_diffusion that will compute entries in the matrix \(\mathbf{\Phi}\) and in the vector \(\pmb{\phi}\) according to the above formulas. While this function computes these using a generic vector \(\pmb{\alpha}\) and a generic matrix \(\pmb{\beta}\), in our case:

  • \(\pmb{\alpha} = \mathbf{N}_i\)

  • \(\pmb{\beta} = \frac{c}{l}\pmb{\mathcal{D}}\)

Even though an analytic solution exists, let’s begin by solving this system of equations numerically.

Solve numerically using scipy.integrate.odeint#

We will use the Python function scipy.integrate.odeint to compute the mole fractions numerically.

Note that odeint can be used for initial value first order systems of ODEs. The independent variable allowed for odeint can be monotonically increasing or decreasing - in our case this is going to be the normalized spatial coordinates \(\eta\). The initial value corresponds to the first element of the independent variable and in our case this will be the mole fractions at the liquid surface \(x(\eta=0)\).

For our Stefan tube problem, the system of ODEs in the matrix form can be re-written as a system of two ODEs:

\[\begin{split}\begin{equation} \begin{cases} \frac{dX_1}{d \eta} = \Phi_{11} X_1 + \Phi_{12} X_2 + \phi_1 \\ \frac{dX_2}{d \eta} = \Phi_{12} X_1 + \Phi_{22} X_2 + \phi_2 \end{cases} \end{equation}\end{split}\]

subject to initial condition:

\[\begin{split}\begin{equation} \begin{cases} X_1(\eta=0) = 0.319 \\ X_2(\eta=0) = 0.528 \end{cases} \end{equation}\end{split}\]

Note that we solve only two ODEs, since we can get the third mole fraction from the relation:

\[\sum_{i = 1}^n X_i = 1\]

Define the function that will compute the right hand side (RHS) of the system of ODEs:

def RHS_ODE(x, time_vector, N, D_binary, mixture_molar_density, length):

    x1, x2 = x

    (phi, Phi) = templates.stefan_diffusion(N[:,None], mixture_molar_density / length * D_binary)

    gradient_x_acetone = Phi[0,0] * x1 + Phi[0,1] * x2 + phi[0]
    gradient_x_methanol = Phi[1,0] * x1 + Phi[1,1] * x2 + phi[1]

    dxdeta = np.array([gradient_x_acetone, gradient_x_methanol])

    return dxdeta.ravel()

Note that in this problem, we don’t know the total molar fluxes, \(\mathbf{N}_i\). One way to go about this is to take an initial guess and see if after solving the system of ODEs we satisfy the boundary condition. The second way is to use an optimization algorithm that will search for the correct values of the total molar fluxes. We will present the latter approach next. For now, we define the total molar flux vector using the optimized solution that we will soon obtain.

Define the total molar flux \(\mathbf{N}_i\) in \([mole/(m^2s)]\):

N1 = 0.0018175355801046177
N2 = 0.0031885688320410326
N3 = 0

N = np.array([N1, N2, N3])

Solve the two ODEs numerically:

numerical_solution = odeint(RHS_ODE, initial_condition, eta_coordinates, args=(N, D_binary, mixture_molar_density, length))

Get the mole fractions computed numerically:

mole_fractions_numerical = np.vstack((numerical_solution[:,0], numerical_solution[:,1], 1 - numerical_solution[:,0] - numerical_solution[:,1]))

composition.set_species_mole_fractions = mole_fractions_numerical

We check if the values at the boundary match the expected mole fractions:

\[\begin{split}\begin{equation} \begin{cases} X_1(\eta=1) = 0 \\ X_2(\eta=1) = 0 \\ X_3(\eta=1) = 1 \end{cases} \end{equation}\end{split}\]
print('Mole fraction of acetone at the tube outlet:\t' + str(round(mole_fractions_numerical[0,-1], 5)))
print('Mole fraction of methanol at the tube outlet:\t' + str(round(mole_fractions_numerical[1,-1], 5)))
print('Mole fraction of air at the tube outlet:\t' + str(round(mole_fractions_numerical[2,-1],5)))

We also check if the mole fractions of all three species sum to 1.0 and if the mole fractions are bounded between 0 and 1 at any given position inside the tube:

idx = check.sum_of_species_fractions(mole_fractions_numerical, tolerance=0.000001, verbose=True)
idx = check.range_of_species_fractions(mole_fractions_numerical, tolerance=0.000001, verbose=True)

Note that the only reason why we obtained a correct solution is that we already knew the correct total molar fluxes.

Plot the species mole fractions:


Here, we will extend the numerical solution by including an optimization algorithm that will compute the correct total molar fluxes for us. We will use the Python function scipy.optimize.fmin to search for a minimum of an error function that we will define ourselves.

We start by the turning numerical computation of the mole fractions into a function that returns an error. The error will be measured as the difference between the expected boundary condition and the numerically obtained values for mole fractions at the tube outlet:

def error_function(fluxes):

    (N1, N2) = fluxes

    N = np.array([N1, N2, 0])

    numerical_solution = odeint(RHS_ODE, initial_condition, eta_coordinates, args=(N, D_binary, mixture_molar_density, length))

    mole_fractions_numerical = np.vstack((numerical_solution[:,0], numerical_solution[:,1], 1 - numerical_solution[:,0] - numerical_solution[:,1]))

    # Calculate an error between the current mole fractions at the boundary and the boundary condition:
    error = np.linalg.norm(boundary_condition - mole_fractions_numerical[:,-1])

    return error

We can first visualize the error surface as computed from the error_function for a range of values for the first two total molar fluxes, \(N_1\) and \(N_2\):

n_grid = 100
grid_range = np.linspace(0.001,0.004,n_grid)
N1_vector, N2_vector = np.meshgrid(grid_range, grid_range)
N1_vector = N1_vector.ravel()
N2_vector = N2_vector.ravel()
error_vector = np.zeros(len(N1_vector))
for k in range(0, len(N1_vector)):
        error = error_function((N1_vector[k], N2_vector[k]))
        error_vector[k] = error
error_matrix_numerical = np.log(np.reshape(error_vector, (n_grid, n_grid)))

fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Surface(x=grid_range, y=grid_range, z=error_matrix_numerical, colorscale='inferno', showscale=False)])
                width=1000, height=600,
                margin=dict(l=65, r=50, b=65, t=90),
                scene = dict(

From the plot above we could already take a reasonable guess for the values of \(N_1\) and \(N_2\) where the error function attains the minimum value.

Finally, we compute the optimized solution numerically:

minimum = fmin(func=error_function, x0=(0.001, 0.001), xtol=10**-8, ftol=10**-8)
print('Total molar flux of acetone should be:\t' + str(minimum[0]))
print('Total molar flux of methanol should be:\t' + str(minimum[1]))

Note that the optimized values for \(N_1\) and \(N_2\) are the ones that we used at the start of this numerical solution.

Solve analytically#

The analytic solution is:

\[\mathbf{X} = \exp[\mathbf{\Phi} \cdot \eta] \mathbf{X}_0 + (\exp[\mathbf{\Phi} \cdot \eta] - \mathbf{I}) \mathbf{\Phi}^{-1} \phi\]

where \(\exp[\mathbf{\Phi} \cdot \eta]\) is the exponential of the matrix \(\mathbf{\Phi} \cdot \eta\) defined as:

\[\exp[\mathbf{\Phi} \cdot \eta] = \mathbf{I} + \mathbf{\Phi} \cdot \eta + \frac{1}{2!} (\mathbf{\Phi} \cdot \eta)^2 + \dots = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{k!} (\mathbf{\Phi} \cdot \eta)^k\]

which is a generalization of the Maclaurin series for matrices. See reference [2] (Appendix A-B) for the full derivation of this form of the solution.

We are going to use the Python function scipy.sparse.linalg.expm to compute the matrix exponentials seen in the analytic solution.

(phi, Phi) = templates.stefan_diffusion(N[:,None], mixture_molar_density / length * D_binary)

species_mole_fractions = np.zeros((3,n_points))

for i, eta in enumerate(eta_coordinates):

    species_mole_fractions[0:2,i:i+1] =*eta), initial_condition[:,None]) +*eta) - np.identity(2)),, phi))
    species_mole_fractions[2,i] = 1 - np.sum(species_mole_fractions[0:2,i])

Similarly as for the numerical solution, we check if the values at the boundary match the expected mole fractions:

\[\begin{split}X_1(\eta=1) = 0 \\ X_2(\eta=1) = 0 \\ X_3(\eta=1) = 1\end{split}\]
print('Mole fraction of acetone at the tube outlet:\t' + str(round(species_mole_fractions[0,-1], 5)))
print('Mole fraction of methanol at the tube outlet:\t' + str(round(species_mole_fractions[1,-1], 5)))
print('Mole fraction of air at the tube outlet:\t' + str(round(species_mole_fractions[2,-1],5)))

and check if the mole fractions of all three species sum to 1.0 at any given position inside the tube:

idx = check.sum_of_species_fractions(species_mole_fractions, tolerance=0.000001, verbose=True)
idx = check.range_of_species_fractions(species_mole_fractions, tolerance=0.000001, verbose=True)

Set the computed mole fractions as the Composition class atribute:

composition.set_species_mole_fractions = species_mole_fractions

Note, that also for the analytic solution we could have used an optimization algorithm to compute the total molar fluxes, if we didn’t know them already.

Plot the mole fractions:

                                        filename='../images/' + filename_prefix + '_species-mole-fractions.svg');

Save the computed quantities#

Finally, we save the computed quantities for use in other tutorials:

np.savetxt('csv/' + filename_prefix + '_species-mole-fractions.csv', (species_mole_fractions), delimiter=',', fmt='%.16e')


  • [1] J. C. Sutherland - Multicomponent mass transfer course, CHEN-6603, The University of Utah

  • [2] R. Taylor, R. Krishna - Multicomponent mass transfer, Wiley, 1993